Hey Love the game a lot the one thing I would love is for to be able have an option to share a stomach or to include more anal vore into the game. by the way this game is the best 10/10
Am I the only one who wants to see Shakir shove Melo up into his bowels for extended periods of time? Or maybe have a chance that Syd 'forgets' Melo inside him after a night of fun?
Mr. Kal is the shark lady bouncer ever going to have a sex scene with melo sice they talk about like breeding and stuff? i think that would be super cool!
I am veryintrigued by the spoilersabout the shape of the cobra. Will itbe a separateplotor a fleetingtransformationandreturnto the originalplot?Ifit's going to be a separatestory,it's kind of crazy.
I Just love your work kal. I've been following your art for a while, and the game is totally incredible, I hope you keep doing it, I want to keep following it until the end. Also, I simply LOVE Felissa. Will there be more content with her in the future? I hope she is a possible relationship. Thanks! <3
i downloaded the updated version, but as i tried to move the saves from the old to the new, the game does not load the saves and crashes, any help beside starting over?
Loved it! Always love your works Kal. Chef kiss for this one ♥️
Also, i have a curiosity or just my brain isn't braining, when the Phoenix that take Meli hostage and used it as her living dildo/vibrating dildo, she mentioned that his LifeLink was Fried
Did she pulled him into his gut completely and digest him?
You can now improve your relationship with Bravaelle (guard at the frontdoor of the deeper club). When you first meet them you have to play with the belly and then you can enter and continue the story. As soon as your in the "open world"you can visit the club at night, talk with her and play with her belly again a few nights and than she will take you to her place and... well you can go and find out ;)
I'm entirely stuck on trying to get into the Dancer's dick. No matter how often I press the buttons (Kiss, Play, and Stretch), it never progresses. Just two or three variations of dialogue about it, and then back to the previous.
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when more Skyler Scenes?
I know the Hotel isn't complete but is there a scene with Ms Tina yet? She seemed like she'd have some fun stuff.
Will there be dates in this game? Like I wish I can date the chubby people
Hey Love the game a lot the one thing I would love is for to be able have an option to share a stomach or to include more anal vore into the game. by the way this game is the best 10/10
Any new vore scense planned with the bouncer shark?
That came out in the latest update
are you gonna finishe the scene where you sneak into the deeper club? it's the only thing unfinished in that part of the game.
Need coloring
Nah :)
Will melo get taller in future or .....🙂
Sorry for asking
But still curious 🙃
More Unbirth when?
Am I the only one who wants to see Shakir shove Melo up into his bowels for extended periods of time? Or maybe have a chance that Syd 'forgets' Melo inside him after a night of fun?
I'd love that, and maybe he only notices after you decide to squirm
will there be more content with the big mouse?
Will there be Sex and Non-fatal vore options for the Shark Bouncer in the future?
Is it possible that more animations and varieties of Fellisa will be available in the next update?
and when VIP Room?
add sex you little rat
Any way theres gonna be more/extended clothing entrapment in the future?
Hey, I noticed you have a way to become a Vagina and breast, and even a stomach. Will their ever be a time where we are absorbed into a cock?
What about being absorbed into Balls? Instead of turning into cum, you could turn into Ball Fat
hey kalnareff, is there a way to contact you in private? i just wanted to ask something of you
Are we gonna get a vore scene with the vendor soon? It is year of the snake after all.
Found a bug with the bath. The bath sound plays even when im out of the area.
Can you tell me exactly what you've done in the bath for it to happen?
Hey there, when will be update for android version?
The android is already up to date
One thing I found quite curious is that Syd's relationship bar is green, while Shakir and Brivaelle is pink. Is there a reason for this difference?
Are we able to lockpick the door yet or no?
What door?
Which door?..
Have you thought about adding a school section, i can imagine Yoko being landlady as a side thing while being a teacher
Can you get back on the metro after the first day like is there a time when it reopens? I missed out on looking through the macro hotel thing.
The hotel will be completely remade because i'm not satisfied with it, but it will be available in the future!
Mr. Kal is the shark lady bouncer ever going to have a sex scene with melo sice they talk about like breeding and stuff? i think that would be super cool!
And in the future, the game will be in Russian. The game is just cool and exciting.
The same question here.
I am very intrigued by the spoilers about the shape of the cobra. Will it be a separate plot or a fleeting transformation and return to the original plot? If it's going to be a separate story, it's kind of crazy.
End of Demo :(
There will be more!
Thanks for the update . But , end of demo :(
Anyway , thank you kalnareff
There will be more, no worry
hope you'll make some Futa cockvore later or maybe add it to Seras and Skyler when you talk to much to he
Oh hell yeah! That Skyler is giving too much tease with clenching her balls.. just shove me down that orb already X3
don't forget Seras. we sée her fucking huge balls all thé Time but she never use them
I did one cv in the latest update tho :o
Which scene? qwp
The game over one where you don't do the task
Looks like I'm about to become Phoenix cum~
Thanks Kal~❤️
Yes, but WE still still need more.
I Just love your work kal. I've been following your art for a while, and the game is totally incredible, I hope you keep doing it, I want to keep following it until the end. Also, I simply LOVE Felissa. Will there be more content with her in the future? I hope she is a possible relationship. Thanks! <3
I do hope to finish the game one day :)
I bet when it's fully finished it's a damn masterpiece!~❤️
Already is but i'll be even better
I have such a crush on Ed now. What a cutie<3
The way he crashing out when Felissa called us is somewhat cute X3
i downloaded the updated version, but as i tried to move the saves from the old to the new, the game does not load the saves and crashes, any help beside starting over?
Kal have been informed us about this before.. there's no other way than starting over sadly
There will be as soon as I can figure out why it doesn't works, but it will!
i just wanted to come by and say that this artstyle and the designs are really pretty, even if im not into vore at all
Loved it! Always love your works Kal. Chef kiss for this one ♥️
Also, i have a curiosity or just my brain isn't braining, when the Phoenix that take Meli hostage and used it as her living dildo/vibrating dildo, she mentioned that his LifeLink was Fried
Did she pulled him into his gut completely and digest him?
Nah, they fried it
Ooooh~ good to know UwU
Thanks for making it clear for my dum ahh brain Kal ♥️
I'm excited to what will come in the next update UwU~
The update notes say: "Felissa (2 vore scenes, one can be repeated after the 3rd story)."
I found the scene mentioned in the walkthrough, where you get CVed if you don't progress the story, but how do you trigger Felissa's other scene?
The first one could be anal vore and the second one is breast vore?
And the one that could be done repeatedly is becoming her butt plug.. probably
I hope the phoenix boss will soon be covered by the big ass of the dragon we meet at the hot springs)
As of now, is there actually a way to improve relationships with other characters besides Syd?
If so than how do I?
You can now improve your relationship with Bravaelle (guard at the frontdoor of the deeper club). When you first meet them you have to play with the belly and then you can enter and continue the story. As soon as your in the "open world"you can visit the club at night, talk with her and play with her belly again a few nights and than she will take you to her place and... well you can go and find out ;)
Hope this helps
how do i move the save from the last versions?
I'm entirely stuck on trying to get into the Dancer's dick. No matter how often I press the buttons (Kiss, Play, and Stretch), it never progresses. Just two or three variations of dialogue about it, and then back to the previous.
I figured out why, I'll post a hotfix in a few minutes
I want to ask if you are going to make more of Brivaelle in the next update? My new favourite character :3
I slowly started to fall in love with her♥️