Deeper Club, version 0.23 wip 3


Some bad news today, a nasty HDR failure has caused a lost of progress on the game. It's unfortunate but things like that can happen during the making of a game. Fortunately I had a back up from two weeks ago but those last 2 weeks of work are lost and must be done again. BUT THE ARTWORKS ARE SAFE!!

On the bright side I figured how to use the randomizer along with some other functions, which will definitely increase the speed at which I work onto the game.

i'm also working on giving the dialogs a better feeling by using transitions into a blurry background, it does looks nice honestly.

Get Deeper Club - A vore life!


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glad you were able to make a save, would recommend making a copy or backup of any progress made though once every 2 days, never know when the file may corrup

Personally, I would just put it on It's free and intended for your coding projects. Also makes working on different machines or with multiple people easier.

Yikes fam, hopefully everything goes smoothly for ya going forward!


Ah, bit of an F, but we can wait


Can't wait, and make sure you take your time on it, hopefully it doesn't do this again, it has a mind of its own <3


Well at least the sourcecode and assets of the project are safe online so there is that :)


Yush! hopefully too if you need any help, let us know! <3 we love ya kal


keep up the good work