super excited to see more in this, this is going to be a top tier game when should we expect a new update for more story or added scenes for character like the grocery store clerk?
again games super fun excited to see more also is there a discord for your fans to join?
We just got an update, but if you want to go on history of Kalnareff's production. We usually get a WIP 1 month after the last major update, and depending on contents, an update every 3 months
Just wanted to say your making an Amazing game. I rarely can’t find enjoyment in your work even if it’s not my preference. Keep up the good work! Don’t let anything anyone says get to you (cause there probably wrong). I recommend your work often and I haven’t had anyone disagree with me yet that your a great artist! Definitely helped me open my mind in regards to what I like and general sexuality
Not to be rude, but not everything caters to you personally. It's fine that something like this is where you personally draw the line, but that's you. You don't speak for everyone.
I do believe that adding a purpose to Melo is a good idea. The idea of working to save his brother is somehow realistic when dealing with Yakuzas but even tho the last scene will be rewritten by someone with more talent than me on a deadline I want to keep this idea. It will lead to interresting paths and character development.
Not everybody needs to be a good guy in the game and adding vilains is interresting to me. If you don't like it that's fine but that's my vision of the world I'm making.
This is a fiction. Do you guys condemn movies that have murders in it? From that logic "Dark polars would be made by criminals", listen to what you guys are saying.
if i were to download the 0.26.00 version, and i have the 0.25.02 version, does it automatically update itself or will i just have to replace the whole file itself
Wonderful game and i always look forward to another update from this game, every single one has been a wonderful addition to the game, and always following for the next one thank you so much for all your hard work kal, its amazing
There's a "playthrough (spoilers).rtf" in the game folder that explains how to reach every scene.
The short answer is: Get Rez to give you the package, go back to the backstage area, then give it to the bouncer that Rez specifically told you not to give it to.
Great update, despite the struggles it delivered, the animations are also something I did not expect(does that mean we can expect more in the future?) Got a question regarding the story going forward, does this update tease us the 2 paths prey/pred with Melo being able to either use the drug on himself or use it on other characters? Looking forward for the next update, especially Ana coming back :>
Are you planning to make this focused on growing the MC similar to Soft Fantasy ( by Ziul Walls ) or will we be able to help the NPCs grow just like in Worshippers of the Gain ( by Cottage Games ) ?
The latest update love the new Scenes and all worked really well for me no issues, i my self loved Rez little quest line and that nice Scene if you go a different "way" am really enjoying the sounds/animations I know they take alot of love and work ^_^ keep it up, am keen to see future updates, personally a vore scene's/story with Azul and the lizard guy at the store. would there be any consideration of a CV scene for Evakk the body guard maybe? but either way love all the content so far and enjoy every update big or small ^_^ <3
I just wanted to compliment you on your game. I love the art style and characters we’ve meet so far and you’ve got me checking for updates everyday. I hope everything runs smooth for you since there are so few games with similar concept. At least that I’m aware of. Best of luck to you.
So, I finally got the emulator to work. But, the Ren'py software was "made for an older version", says Google Play. Well, hope it's good. Who am I kidding, I know it is. Well, good luck on the progress, Kal!
Oof, I sympathize. My computer's humming the last hurrah of an 8-year death march. Struggling to play modern games through most of the last 2. I'm just glad to have experienced Ultrakill and as many games like yours
take your time. I’m just as anxious as everyone else but if you shouldn’t feel forced. Let things happen naturally otherwise you may not be happy with it yourself. Take the time to “paint your masterpiece”.
Just download joiplay and its renpy plugin, runs with minor visual bugs when you try to interact with the custom in game menu, probably cause it's not finished but nothing happens at the "important" parts
← Return to game
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super excited to see more in this, this is going to be a top tier game when should we expect a new update for more story or added scenes for character like the grocery store clerk?
again games super fun excited to see more also is there a discord for your fans to join?
We just got an update, but if you want to go on history of Kalnareff's production. We usually get a WIP 1 month after the last major update, and depending on contents, an update every 3 months
does Melo get bigger at all
Just wanted to say your making an Amazing game. I rarely can’t find enjoyment in your work even if it’s not my preference. Keep up the good work! Don’t let anything anyone says get to you (cause there probably wrong). I recommend your work often and I haven’t had anyone disagree with me yet that your a great artist! Definitely helped me open my mind in regards to what I like and general sexuality
Thanks mama!
Quick question, I saw that the game was updated, but never really figured out why? What is this update particurly
It's all written in the last changelog that you can find on the game's page
Strange, because I still cant find out what even though I checked changelog
Any way to increase pred/main character pred? Im having trouble trying to find something like that
i want new updates info ;C
Not to be rude, but not everything caters to you personally. It's fine that something like this is where you personally draw the line, but that's you. You don't speak for everyone.
I do believe that adding a purpose to Melo is a good idea. The idea of working to save his brother is somehow realistic when dealing with Yakuzas but even tho the last scene will be rewritten by someone with more talent than me on a deadline I want to keep this idea. It will lead to interresting paths and character development.
Not everybody needs to be a good guy in the game and adding vilains is interresting to me. If you don't like it that's fine but that's my vision of the world I'm making.
This is a fiction, not reality.
If this is too close to reality for you that's fine, just don't tell me how to write my story. Thank you.
Blackmail is hot. Melo is currently being blackmailed right now, with his brother's life on the line. Makes me hard as diamonds.
Anyway don't let the door hit you on the way out.
This is a fiction. Do you guys condemn movies that have murders in it? From that logic "Dark polars would be made by criminals", listen to what you guys are saying.
i have weird error when ever i want enter the club
I am really excited to see the rest of this game when it comes out. I love Syd and the snake dude will there be more interactions with them?
if i were to download the 0.26.00 version, and i have the 0.25.02 version, does it automatically update itself or will i just have to replace the whole file itself
You have to delete the old folder yes
okie thankyou :D
Will there be any erotic or vore related scenes with our thicc boi Marcus. I feel like he's waiting for some action
There will be in the future once you figure out how to get a breasted melo
Wonderful game and i always look forward to another update from this game, every single one has been a wonderful addition to the game, and always following for the next one
thank you so much for all your hard work kal, its amazing
Great update, what I would give to have cum disposal in this game. The Rez scene would be so hot with it! Good job!
Look at evan cv scene then!
Im hoping the fat futa rabbit scene gets completed asap. Been waiting on that for a long time now.
Ohhh, this update has everything i love, specially the last animations that i won't spoil~ Truly wished that was me!~
Or rather, i'd like to see, if we end up failing in the final, that scene happening to Melo instead~
Keep up the good work, Kal~
How do you trigger the pec vore scene
There's a "playthrough (spoilers).rtf" in the game folder that explains how to reach every scene.
The short answer is: Get Rez to give you the package, go back to the backstage area, then give it to the bouncer that Rez specifically told you not to give it to.
Great update, despite the struggles it delivered, the animations are also something I did not expect(does that mean we can expect more in the future?)
Got a question regarding the story going forward, does this update tease us the 2 paths prey/pred with Melo being able to either use the drug on himself or use it on other characters?
Looking forward for the next update, especially Ana coming back :>
Are you planning to make this focused on growing the MC similar to Soft Fantasy ( by Ziul Walls ) or will we be able to help the NPCs grow just like in Worshippers of the Gain ( by Cottage Games ) ?
Really enjoyed the new update. Especially loved Rez and seeing more of him or characters like him would be awesome ^-^
The latest update love the new Scenes and all worked really well for me no issues, i my self loved Rez little quest line and that nice Scene if you go a different "way" am really enjoying the sounds/animations I know they take alot of love and work ^_^ keep it up, am keen to see future updates, personally a vore scene's/story with Azul and the lizard guy at the store. would there be any consideration of a CV scene for Evakk the body guard maybe? but either way love all the content so far and enjoy every update big or small ^_^ <3
A doubt! ;0
I wanted to know if for the final version of the game how much do you think the game will weigh?
1GB? or maybe less?
Prolly less, the game is being tested on my private server right now, just to be debugged if anything happens
I just wanted to compliment you on your game. I love the art style and characters we’ve meet so far and you’ve got me checking for updates everyday. I hope everything runs smooth for you since there are so few games with similar concept. At least that I’m aware of. Best of luck to you.
I'm so close to an update but I'm currently facing a little difficulty trying to fix a scene that wont connect with an other properly :)
Will Melo be able to be a predator?
From what the developers said yes but that is planed I think after the Club.
Currently finishing the last scenes before testing and uploading
Do you think you will ever outsource some of the work to other people? Not art stuff; just writing, or code help.
I dunno, my code is some novice shit, nothing really special :)
will melo learn to do endo version of every single type of vore ? just asking
He will after the club but at his level, no big prey first
For the version 0.26 update when you mean 2 males are both of these new characters or is one them Evan who was recently revealed?
New characters!
Awesome can't wait for release of update keep it up💪
when will the new update come out ?
When it does.
When is the Android version of this game coming?
I have no plan for a phone version. If you wanna play on Android you can use Joiplay emulator.
Okay, thank you 😊
No problem, I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming update, it's going to get proofreaded and tested this week
So, I finally got the emulator to work. But, the Ren'py software was "made for an older version", says Google Play. Well, hope it's good. Who am I kidding, I know it is. Well, good luck on the progress, Kal!
I'm working as much as i can, my main computer smells of burnt plastic and I'm on a laptop atm :)
Oof, I sympathize. My computer's humming the last hurrah of an 8-year death march. Struggling to play modern games through most of the last 2. I'm just glad to have experienced Ultrakill and as many games like yours
Heya! Does anybody try to translate a game?
oh crap, man. u sireouse? Kal had ALREADY write about that!
Wish you well Kal, take your time!
Saw the post on twitter and reply on here, How's today Kalnareff?
When would we be expecting 0.26?
I'm currently in burnout, in my bed but got some progress nontheless
take your time. I’m just as anxious as everyone else but if you shouldn’t feel forced. Let things happen naturally otherwise you may not be happy with it yourself. Take the time to “paint your masterpiece”.
"You rush a miracle worker, you get lousy miracles!"
I hope your rest goes well. Art is art, and no matter what you've made your indelible mark upon the scene!
Will there be one for Android apk?
Just download joiplay and its renpy plugin, runs with minor visual bugs when you try to interact with the custom in game menu, probably cause it's not finished but nothing happens at the "important" parts
I'm gonna regret this download...
I'm still gonna do it, but i'm gonna regret it...
naaah no regret only horni