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I loved the update, Brivaelle is my favorite character so far so I was super happy with her new scenes. Am I the only one who wants to have scenes with the girl from the club who guards the VIP room??😍


You are NOT the only one ;) and i love all the new stuff with Brivaelle too. Everything is just so exciting

when will he got his ass smash?

The walkthrough is not readable on mobile


Great update kalnareff been waiting for a while and it definitely was worth the wait love the progression of the story and the plot twists defint be worth wating for the next update as well love the game 


for the next update can we do naughty things with SHANNON the giraffe is also and the woman of the hotel, because I prefer these female characters is the human woman in front of her also in the hotel pls :)


Hooray! We waited for the update!

Thank you very much Kalnareff. And I also congratulate you on the holiday "February 23". 

(4 edits) (+2)(-7)

First let me say I love you game Kalnareff and I was wondering if we could maybe get more ass related Vore or just more scenes involving ass cheeks.

my next question is a little bit of a stretch could we maybe get some fart fetish related content in the way of a new character like a Futa skunk  or some scenes of existing characters not asking much just a little fart here or there after they eat or devour someone or maybe even just some burps it's understandable if you hate the idea of adding something like that to your wonderful game. 

something else I would love to see in your game is the ability to shrink and turn into a tiny to maybe explore around as a tiny and get up to mischief or lewd encounters as a tiny but with the main character already being so small in universe it's understandable if  the idea is not good Still just pitching  some stuff I would love to see in your game.

One  last little thing would love to see some  bubble butt femboy not beefcakes or anything like that just boys cross-dressing to look like girls that Vore you if you judge them just for being dainty.

Well rambled on long enough would love if you looked at this comment Kalnareff and at least consider or thought about my ideas being applied to you wonderful game.

And it's my first time commenting something like this so please don't bash me too hard about having a fart fetish  and having a long comment.


A few people don't like your ideas but I DO. Even the fart stuff (i'm not into it but i would still love to explore ;) ). I like the shrinking and the femboy ideas. And  ignore the hate. Do what you love, love what you do ♡

First of all, let me say that I love your game so much. I look forward to it every day. It's one of the few games that I replay very often.

There may be spoilers......

I have a question. In this section "Evan, Shakir can't get their relationship maxed at the moment but you may still find some new or old scenes that you've missed" is Shakir not in the scene yet?     Tell me plz!!


I will say I do LOVE this update! Was a bit disappointed there was no growth yet, but I am very exited for it in the future! Great update!

Where do I find the walk through?

In the files after unziping it, you can open it with wordpad or anything

It's called Walkthrough

Im on android so i don't think i can access the files is there another way or no?

Nope, you can't, I could make it readable online but i dunno where i should put it

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Itchio isn't letting me download anythinggggg


hopefully melo will have the ability to expand his body parts in the future


I want to give him big titties first


Hell yeah, make that twink busty

i love the new stuff! still wish i could get cock vored by Brivaelle, but the other cock vore that was added is still really good!

(1 edit)

Wait.. other cock vore? There's more than Evan's and Zaine's!?

Tell me please


shark babe contact 


Woooooow!  IT IS OUT!!!!!!

Look, its Osaka!

America ya!

Que Bendición ya lo voy a probar



One question, Taylin is a Guy or a Futa ? 


Taylin is a busty boy, so guy :)


Great ! Thanks !


I'm posting it over here but version 0.31.00 is almost out, I'll have it debbugged tomorrow and the new version will be out friday or this week end if everything works well!

So by the time you play it it will probably be the corrected 0.31.01 version.

The text is very likely to not be proofreaded for the story sections as my proofreader didn't get the chance to see the files yet.


Kallll 💕 Can I be your person one time breakfast?


I am checking the game for update literally every hour. 



I'm excited to learn if Kaori is a good cop or a baaaad cop. Keep up the good work Kal.


guh! Hope the finishing goes smoothly.

I was wondering if you had in mind adding clenching scenes to Zaine and Evan, it would be cool for more spicyness 

Perfect! I am more looking forward to the story of melo and dragon AZUL(melo's boyfriend)  in the future~~~~~~or  their sexy plot~~~

Is everything is still going according to this plan or something changed?


for the next update can we do naughty things with SHANNON the giraffe is also and the woman of the hotel, because I prefer these female characters is the human woman in front of her also in the hotel :)


i noticed how if you fail the snake minigame while your head is poking out of her womb, you'll actually turn into her pussy. Neat little secret, but i'm wondering if you're gonna do any more with this specific scene, or just have it loop forever until you submit?


The snake form you get when she keeps you is supposedly able to be used later on sometime


When is the next update just asking


This month, I'm adding some new arts at the moment :)


This month?! YEEEEAAAAAAHHH!!!


Kalll~ I've seen all your art and everything! I love you 💕 Please let me become fat on your body 💕 


Yeah, sorry for being late with it, just we don’t celebrate it where I live, but HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!


Is there uh, 'cum inflation'? I mean, I would expect it seeing how big some of the 'ehem', cocks are.


Hey kal hope everything is going well with you, don't know if you have Valentine's Day where you are but if so happy late Valentine's Day 

This is such a hot game. I'm normally not into games where you play as a boy but all the scenes are just too good. I'd love to see it finished one day, and I'll be following these updates closely :3

One minor pet peeve I have though is that a lot of times characters will threaten you with disposing you inside a condom, yet I cannot find a single scene where this actually happens ;w;


Evan the stripper in the club does if you fail


Yo quiero ver cómo la jirafa del hotel nos devora al igual que la morenita esa


it's a nice work the game but for the next version will we be able to go out or do naughty things with SHANNON the giraffe is also and the woman at the hotel, because I prefer this female character moreover it's impossible to beat the dragon of the hotel :(


I would like for the next update that we can go out with SHANNON the giraffe is the human woman of the hotel please


is there a walkthrough? i can't get past the bouncer

(1 edit)

I'll say.. press the -60 Stamina options, rest, do it again, rub her belly the one with "-hunger/+anger" if intuition is full use it to decrease her anger, keep going and you'll pass her soon enough :3

Just make sure you pay attention to her Hunger and Anger bar. Either of them get full, you'll be going straight into her tummy~


is it possible to date human women please?


is it possible to have a version where the main character is a woman not a man please


That would be too much work actually


alright, thanks ^^

Quería preguntar si estará lista la próxima actualización pronto


Hey is there a way to send some cash? Just want to send support if thats cool?


reason i said this was cause (for me) The link wasnt workin


I am waiting for the time when this game is complete and there are no more updates and only a few small updates to fix the game's bugs. If this game is complete, it will undoubtedly be the best Vore game. When will this game be complete? And how many more updates will there be until the game is complete?

we are on the 0.31 update so thats at least .69 more updates lol


update when?


Honestly I hope we can become macro at some point. Even better if there were different scenarios and dynamics for us at different sizes. Imagine being with that snake mommy at the same height or double her size.

Are we able to date the fat rat?

Romantic date no but sex date yes. You have to study with him every week until his green bar is full. Than you can call him to have "fun" ;)


Dates are fun though ):


I wish that we could have some nonsex dates with other characters. Just having a good time in a healthy relationship. And because im in love with my ratboy Syd ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I want to dress for them for restaurants and have safe vore with them or sleep in there bed <:


You can pound his butt with max affinity with him

Any unbirth with the fat rat or soft vore, I want to take him to a date to make him fatter

I am not in a rush but, when the next update  will come ? 

Next year or this year?

This month actually :)

Thank you for the update. 


Just a quick question for future updates for the store. will Items be regular items like food? or will items have special effects that are temporary or permeant?

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