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im in love how this game work, cute story, nice lewd, great characters to remember, cant wait the next update, keep the great work !


I just improved the code last night, did an all nighter to get the checkpoint system to work.

Now resting at the bed really works as intended by setting all variables to their current value so when you die in the game these values will be retrieved, avoiding soft locking the game and making it so much easier for me to code :)


Good afternoon, may I ask you to translate the game into Russian?


You are not the only one who waits for it.

(1 edit)

Listen, did you pass the game?

Yes, I did. English here is not that hard.


I'd consider it with the auto translation when the game will be done but then again i'm not even sure it would properly work with the made up words and already existant grammar errors


Do you need help with grammar checking, I could help you out with that if you want?

(1 edit) (+3)

Too much work for too small a part of the community. I’m not just saying this, my native language is Russian, like yours. Here you just need experience and habit, that’s all. I remember once upon a time I myself entered every sentence from games or stories into Google Translator and only then read them. Now I read 99% of any English text without any problems, sometimes I only translate certain new words through GT

ого это воистину заслуживает уважения

(1 edit) (+3)

Да тут просто дело времени, говорю) Нечёткий воре-фетиш у меня с детства, с лет 14 примерно осознал свои желания связанные с этой темой и что на просторах интернета я такой далеко не один. Так что когда в течении 10 лет потребляешь англоязычный контент, сам собой начинаешь постепенно этот язык лучше понимать


i love cock vore >:3 <3


I am waiting for the update like it is the most important thing in my life. Will we be able to play the new version before summer will end?


Very likely, I'm struggling with a few things atm but it's mostly how to make something possible




The game's getting pretty amazing! This isn't technically critique since it's just stuff being unfinished, but the free roam area after the club ends feels very restrictive: You can only work at the store or study, the metro always says it's under repair so you can't go anywhere. Hope there are plans to alleviate that in the next version, at least to have more repeated encounters in other parts of the world you've visited.


Of course, but it just takes a lot of work :)


Just saw the version 0.30.00 wip, and I played through the game before and loved it! When should the update release?

i dunno, I'm working on it at the moment, adding some new areas to visit

Well, I'll cheer you on, and I hope there will be more content with Seras mostly

Is player only prey or also a pred

Melo (player) is prey, the next update he will able to be a pred.

This game is very promising! A bit disappointed that andriod version most like wont get worked on anymore, thats the only way i can play

Can i somehow switch genders?


Hello ! I would like to know is it possible to have the 3 million requested to save our friend from the Yakuza? Or does this signify the end of the game?

Hello ! I'm stuck with Ana, is it normal that there is no way out? I'm playing on a cell phone and Maelo says he found something in his pants pocket but when I go to the inventory it marks me: placeholder 

it is normal that there isn't a way out, Ana is unfinished and supposed to be a part of the second day. But I imagine has been placed in a WIP status

Ana isn't unfinished, read the playthrough given with the files.

You can actually escape. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is great. There is a lot of things missing yet, but it's still great!
For example, it would be nice if there was an explanation to what each stat do.

Also, could someone tell me what I need to do to gain access to the metro again, I worked in the supermarket for so long that I gathered 100,000 yen, so 1/10 of the original sum, and it still says that the metro is under construction (and I also gained intelligence 3).

the metro is still not done for access and the intelligence for what i played lets you progress with characters like Syd for now and i think the limit is 10 intelligence

Thank you for your answer, kind Mr Canasi😘

(1 edit)

I'm curious, do you plan on putting Charlotte the Eel in this game at some point?


I didn't even consider her but she would work just fine

I will definitely be looking forward to that.


Hi, i love your game so far, i can't wait to see how good it is when it's fully finished! Though, i was wondering if we'd ever get a possession/merging scene in the game!

It's a pretty random question but what's the voice of Syd, Azul and some other characters like? (sorry for the bad English) 


Hi Kalnareff ! I love your work ! Recently I saw that you Will include Sophie from the artist Shyguy9. So I wanted to know if you Will do others crossovers with artist’s characters like I don’t know maybe Cinnamon the horse from Freckles ? It’s just an idea of course but damn it would be so hot 🔥🔥


I have freckles nightmare in mind in fact

oh I see, is it because it's too difficult to draw or you don't get along well with the artist?

No I meantI'm thinking of adding  his actual nightmare character, I like freckles

dew it >:3 also keep up the amazing work kal, love your stuff and sending all the love for ya!

OOOOH... OK I didn't get it, yeah great idea !


When you are gonna realise the update? And it will have the mobile support??


Am I the only mobile player who's has patience?


I wish to ask Kalnareff since the black gloomy statue cursed Melo to basically not die does that mean magic exists in the world? And if so could we see other mythical creatures like a fluffy carbuncle?

(1 edit) (+2)

Magic also exist in our world, look at what magicians can do with playing cards


I am sorry maybe I wasn't clear. I was curious if real magic existed within the game world of Deeper Club you created as I like exploring world building questions like that. Since this Gloomy statue places a curse on Melo that allows him to basically cheat death that would imply real magic does exist. I'm not sure why you brought up the real world for as I was only asking about the game you made.

I see it more like a curse than anything, I'd really love to limitate the use of magic in this world

(1 edit) (+1)

Okay but you didn't answer if there would be something like a carbuncle or Kobold or not it's okay if not just wondered. Also since i mentioned human animals hybrids are there going to be mixed animals like a dragon rabbit for example? Oh and do some anthro have digitigrade legs or not?

i play in android and i currently don't know where the Story ends... I just finished the club and im Waiting for the messages, does it end there or am i just a dumbass?

Story ends shortly after the club for now



Are You going to update more content, like the guy in the store


Or more Unbirth Content? Not only Yoko please, Unbirth needs more love

I don't mean to make a double post but how do I keep from getting too aroused when tutored by Syd? I called him on Wednesday night  made sure Melo's arousal stat was 0 but while the tutor event was going on the arousal stat ended up at 100 getting me detention anyway is this just sadly a random chance to happen?


When arousal is below 50% there is a 25% chance for it to go up to 100%

When arousal is at 50% and more there is a 50% chance for it to go up to 100%

Okay thanks for that info. Can I ask Kalnareff is it possible half human animal hybrids could exist in the world of Deeper club like a human with cat ears tail and animal like lower limbs? I'm mostly wondering out of curiosity thanks and I hope you can make the game better as you go.

I think that's a cool thing yeah, I'm considering it

So it's something that could happen then? Okay neat to see how that goes I only wondered as in some worlds with humans and anthros when a anthro and human have kids they are a hybrid so since Deeper club has both I wondered if such hybrids could exist. And thanks for responding so fast I feel I have to wait a day at least or more for replys. Hope you're having a nice day good luck on updating the game can't wait to see more.

(2 edits) (+3)

I just want to say I haven't played in awhile but I just want to get a few things confirmed is Meli Melo's friend or brother? I got to the club and Melo keeps refering to him as a friend. Okay sorry to edit but I read through the comments and saw this was answered I hope you can continue t make the game as you want and not have to have people pressure you into changing it more. But having Meli be Melo's brother felt more impactful to me I wish you luck on making the game best it can be.

What do I actually do on the second day, at the moment all I can do is work at shop, speak to someone in melis house and get eaten by my landlord 

Kalmareff i have a suggestion, could you add eel mommy (charlotte) as an npc in future updates. 

I am not an active follower of content related to vore but this specific game manages to hook you very well, both for the graphic section that is very well worked, and have an very good story, I don't know if you have in mind having the main character transform due to the virus or the effects of the drug that he is going to have to traffic to save his best friend. But I want you to know that it would be a very good idea for the story. I really liked this game so I hope it goes very far :)

Guys i end the first day an now what

there is a guide in the folder to see what you can do, wich is limited since there is still not much in the game



I think Melo is a little I debt.........



(1 edit)

its not that much, right?

Right now I think I have like 136 million¥  of debt

I N F L A T I O N  M O N E Y  I S  I N F L A T I O N. 



The grey dragon in the hotel isn't easy to escape.


From what I recall, she's not meant to be at this time.

I cant find the pec vore or absorption, any ideas where those are?

the closest to that from what i found was maxing out the bouncer's hunger stat

Get the package inside the club, give it to the toucan guy instead of the one outside.

Also there is a playthrough in the files


Question: Is there a fatal AV scene with Sid? Not that I would hate if there wasn't one, the relationship is perfectly fine as is, in my opinion. I'm just a sucker for that kind of thing.

(1 edit) (+1)

I love it so far when will the next update be released also any plans for a gallery

so you can be a pred in this game?

I'd ask for more UB but the more I play the game the less likely it'll be, by forcing another to be added would be unnecessary.


I was about to add some but was a bit short on schedule, if I can finish Yoko there will definitely be some!


I kind of hope it'll be not just for Yoko, there is loooots of potential material~

Are you able to top in this game?

You'll find a bottom by the pool.

Was super happy to see an update, glad your wrist is getting better.  Unfortunate that the relationships had to be tweaked, but it does remind me of another game which had the same change forced upon it from a few years back.  As a means to comply but preserve what people playing the game had come to expect the creator added the option for the player to type in a box what the nature of character's relation to the protagonist was, and that would just basically find and replace any mention of the default relationship status.  In the case mentioned, the relationship was changed to be "childhood friend" by default, and for example you could type "girlfriend" if you wanted to and that would replace "childhood friend" anytime it was mentioned.

I admit I'm kinda assuming that you were forced to censor this, but if I'm right I hope that this is something you'd be able to implement so players can restore the intended relationship themselves.


How do I romance the snake in the shop?

You can't for the moment

Ya solo puedo tabajar en la tienda saben que debo aser o ya es todo

Deleted post

Thanks for the Android version, I always wanted to play this game on my phone, thanks!!!

Yeah me too

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