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Hi kal, you stink also I love this game alot ;3

could you possibly make it so you can play on browser?

I'm getting an error when I try to load any save I have, and idk where I should show the prin


saves don't work between differentt version's

from what I remember you have to start a new game with each version. Kalnareff said game variables don't  transmit well with each update. so you have to start a new save until otherwise.


I may have a lead to improve that and make all the new save compatible with upcoming builds

They are from the same version tho.. I thought the same at first but then new saves hadthe same proble


Hello Kalinareff, I have a question: will this game have full-fledged animations in scenes, and not frame by frame, and I would like to see in the Cock vore scenes how Milo dissolves and comes out through masturbation?

Deleted 31 days ago

Happy New Year


I would just like to say that I really hope to see more of the Cock Vore scenes. I love watching the mouse getting sucked down. 

(1 edit)

Hi, I would like to see more scenes from unbirth

Чел, ты хотя-бы в пере вкинь. 


Yeah, especially the ones already teased about in game, like the bouncer/security for the upstairs in the club.


Was wondering if at some point melo will be able to grow and use prey slightly bigger than micro to make himself grow cos tbh I'd be hot if melo started to eat people to get bigger


Like the game but just wondering will Melo have the ability to have permanent transformations and size transformations?  either from the patch's or Belial in the near future of updates?

(1 edit)

I just want to ask i just want you to make Shakir able to vore  sence he is like a cobroh or something like that


Hello Kal, a question, apart from the game, do you have other content? Like full comics or full animations?

I actually do, you can find me on twitter and furaffinity under the same name!

(1 edit)

Less then 2 months game time and I got the 3 million and maxed out the teacher 

You'r emissing a 0 for your 3m, and since it's still a demo you can't do anything of it atm :)

Hola Kal, una pregunta, aparte del juego tienes otro contenido? como comics completos o animaciones completas?

Icono de Validado por la comunidad

How can I unlock Syd's scene?, 
you made a very good game, the beat game 
That i have ver played

which one

really fun game. cant wait to see more!

No pressure at all, but would you give us an update as New Year present or will it be later? Take your time, anyway. 


I've been working on a webcomic and comissions, the christmas preparations and familly visiting is going to make it hard to work on the game at all for a little while, but I'm working on it in january for sure.

I do have some fun plans for it after all. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

It’s you good to know are having good time. Wish you a marry Christmas!


So looking forward to the story progressing really want to save meli from his smelly prison 


I want to take the metro to the onsen to find Azul in the future~ψ(`∇´)ψ


At some point in the future I would like to see Milo slowly get bigger over time like in a course over a year or have the ability to swap bodies with other people for a while but he always goes back to his original body and keeps the memories


Does anyone know how long it takes for the metro to be available again in all the other stuff in the game again and doing the missions for the deeper club boss owner


The missions is next update, the metro will be available again but without a lot to do for now, I'll be focusing on the track field and library first

How do I unlock the track and field and library


I first have to add it :)

Oh okay

Deleted 97 days ago

I don't know if anyone asked or not. Will the game appear on Steam?

I was wondering when the new update for mobile to be happening soon,

hit me up whenever you wanna play Brokken 8 with someone ;D


I play it all the time, game is so good

What character do you main ?

Personally for me, it's Victor (kinda obvious for a french person haha)

I'm a lee player, french too :)

Marvelous !!

Wait what ? On devrait vraiment se faire une partie un jour alors xD

C'est quand tu veux!

what is the one for intel?  Because that's the operating system it runs on aka my laptop.

Hope everyone here has a happy holiday season, no matter what you celebrate


a cheat system would be good if it just was money and stat boost only. the other cheats could happen near end of development or early in development so the cheats wont have any kinks

I'm going to add some cheat of cours, also I'm a Lee user :)


Hi, I don't want to put pressure on you, but when will the next version come out and will it still be free?



Still free and always open for support for those who can!

Do you have plans on letting people add their own preys and preds on the shop? I've implemented over 4 by myself but the code not supporting that makes it very VERY time consuming to do so, it's almost like creating that from 0 lol

I'll definitely think about it, but later!


Hey kalnareff i have suggestions for next for next update, when we get meet cop character, can we have romance part like sid plz so can enjoy her more.


Sadly the cop char wont have a romance like syd, but she will definitelly have something else, she's a fav of mine too

how come she wont have romance?

I do have ask, will we at least get vore scene with her in next update, she deserve have mouse insjde her.


Not trying to rush you or anything, but I'm just wondering if you have an estimate for the next update


I do not, I'm crawling under work :)

No worries, was just wondering

i hope in the future you can free mode do different characters like say i do the spa stuff  and go through it and interact with or other things with different characters but overall very lovely game 


That's the goal, but the bathes have to be remade, I don't like the dialogs at all


this game is very coolio.



I just got the game today on mobile and im already in love.  Do you have discord i can join


in the next update can please add so that mello can also grow bigger


If melo gets bigger it will only be within a scene, having him bigger elswhere implies to redraw every picture with him.

Adding breasts is fine tho since it's only a toggable light edit.


oh breast nice  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


I am here again, and I would say I am waiting for update again. When we will have new update for this masterpiece?


I'll be working on it in december :)

Oh, great. Already looking forward to playing it!

Cant wait for the next updates love the game cant wait for the story to progress


Man I am absolutely fiending for more Ruchex content


I kinda want to see more story  on Markus he's a really attractive character, wouldn't mind fondiling that ass


I'm really looking forward to the new game update. I hope to see the development of the plot with Shakir soon

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